::: LT-202 :::
A device for application
of monomolecular films
according to the Langmuir—Blodgett (LB) techniquee

A device for film application by
Langmuir—Blodgett technique LT-202
Langmuir—Blodgett trough LT-202 is intended for
- application of monomolecular films
on solid samples according to the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique or to the horizontal
precipitation (HP) technique
- deposition of multimolecular
films using corresponding layer-by-layer technique
- formation of mono- and multimolecular composite coatings on solid surfaces
- modification of the surface properties (hydrophilic behavior, optical,
electrical properties etc. )
- fundamental research in ultrathin film fabrication and their use
as insulating and protective coatings, molecular electronic elements, in biology
for creation of bilayer lipid membranes etc.
* Some units of Langmuir—Blodgett trough LT-202 has been designed in cooperation with
Institute for Chemistry of New Materials of National Academy of Sciences of
Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
and A. V. Lykov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of National Academy of Sciences
of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).
Code |
Name |
Q-ty |
LT-202-010 |
LB trough with basic accessories (Substrate clamping holder for fixing the sample on the dipper lever; Rig for film application by the horizontal precipitation method; PTFE inserts for reduction of the working fluid volume; A jacket for liquid thermostating by an external device; Aspirator (PTFE nozzle for water-jet
cleaning of the liquid surface in the trough) |
1 |
LT-202-020 |
unit |
1 |
LT-202-030 |
pressure sensor |
2 |
LT-202-040 |
electronic unit1 |
1 |
LT-202-025 |
Layer-by-Layer deposition set including a rotating platform for vessels and a rotating patform for dipper unit |
1 |
DT-03 |
A microdoser for feeding the deposited film on the aqueous surface |
1 |
LT-202-050 |
A rotating barrier for the monomolecular film transfer into working (deposiotion) area |
1 |
LT-202-060 |
A mounted unit for the tape substrate winding in set with two guides |
1 |
LT-202-090 |
A set of
calibrating surfactants: stearic acid, behenic acid, acetyl alcohol. |
ask |
1 Basic set akso inckludes control software (for Win32) and operation manual.
1 Basic set also includes control software (for Win32) and operation manual.


Software for LB trough control and data acquisition is a Win32
application running under OS Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista.
The software is built according to the modular scheme oriented to perform specific
application technique and provides all preliminary settings and calibration necessary
for the LB trough operation as well control over the systems (mechanisms of the
barrier movement and sample dipping/lifting) at the film application.
Acquired data can be saved in special format or text files and can be then
processed, visualized and analysed in the program itself or with third party software
(e.g. SurfaceXplorer package or Microsoft
Minimal configuration of host PC (not included in the delivery
set): Celeron® 1.7 GHz, RAM 512
MB, HDD 160 GB, VRAM 64 MB, monitor 1024x768x32 bit, MS Windows®
XP SP2, 1 free USB port.