:::::: |
::: 12-15 November 2012 ::: |
X International Conference
'Methodological aspects of Scanning Probe Microscopy - 2012'
Minsk, Belarus
::: Call for papers :::
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::: 12-15 October 2010 ::: |
IX International Conference
'Methodological aspects of Scanning Probe Microscopy - 2010'
Minsk, Belarus
::: Call for papers :::
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::: 8-10 October 2008 ::: |
VIII International Seminar
'Methodological aspects of Scanning Probe Microscopy - 2008'
Minsk, Belarus
::: Program ::: Proceedings :::
:::::: |
::: 22 — 25 January 2008
::: |
Atomic force microscope NT-206 is
presented at the exhibition dedicated to the Day of Byelarussian Science hold
in the building of Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
::: Article in
newspaper "Zviazda"
::: PDF-version of
the newspaper page |
:::::: |
::: 30 October - 2 November 2007 |
Atomic forse microscope NT-206 is
presented in the exhibition "Science and innovations' hold in National Exhibition
Center 'Belexpo' and timed to Ist Congress of Scientists of Republic of Belarus.
::: A report in
paper "Знамя
::: An article in paper "Рэспублiка" |
:::::: |
::: 22-26 October 2007 ::: |
Microtestmachines Co. took part in 1-st International
Specialized Exhibition for Nanotechnologies «NanotechExpo
- 2007» in the framework of VI All-Russian (Federal) Industrial Fair.
Atomic forse microscope NT-206 and
LB-trough LT-102 and other our
products have been presented at the exhibition.
The Exhibition took place at All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow |
:::::: |
::: 13-16 December 2006 ::: |
SPM NT-206 has been presented in joint exposition
with A. V. Lykov Heat and Mass Transfer Instistution of NASB at VI National Exhibition
Of Republic of Belarus in Republic of Latvia |
:::::: |
::: 29-30 November 2006 ::: |
Microtestmachines Co. took part in III Research-and-Applied
TO INDUSTRY 2006' in Fryazino, Moscow region, Russia.
At the Conference, our products were
presented. |
:::::: |
::: 1-3 November 2006 ::: |
7th International Seminar
'Methodological aspects of Scanning Probe Microscopy'
Minsk, Belarus
::: Program
::: Proceedings
:::::: |
::: 14-16 September 2006 ::: |
Representatives of MICROTESTMACHINES took part
7th International Symposium
Energy and Environmental Aspects of Tribology
Krakow, Poland |
:::::: |
::: 24 May 2006 ::: |

Microtestmachines Co. took part in III
Gomel regional investment forum - 2006. Atomic forse microscope NT-206
and LB-trough LT-102 have been presented |
:::::: |
::: 27-30 April 2005 ::: |
AFM NT-206 was presented at
the exhibition of Belarus in Poland 'Neighbourliness -2005' |
:::::: |
::: 12-15 October 2004 ::: |
6th Belarussian Seminar on Scanning Probe Microscopy
Minsk, Belarus
::: Proceedings
::: (in Russian)
:::::: |
::: 7-8 October 2002 ::: |
5th Belarussian Seminar on Scanning Probe Microscopy
Minsk, Belarus
::: Proceedings
::: (in Russian)
:::::: |
::: 24–25 October 2000 ::: |
4th Belarussian Seminar on Scanning Probe Microscopy
Gomel, Belarus
::: Proceedings
::: (in Russian)